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Consciousness and its Physical Headset

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Many high-energy physicists now say that "spacetime is doomed": It has no operational meaning beyond the Planck scale. In the last decade they have found, beyond spacetime, more fundamental constituents of reality: positive geometries and decorated permutations. Most theories of consciousness are not informed by these advances in physics. They assume that spacetime is fundamental, and propose that conscious experiences arise from physical substrates within spacetime, such as neural networks. If spacetime is doomed, then so are these theories. We propose a mathematical theory of consciousness that allows a physical headset but no physical substrate. This theory posits a social network of interacting “conscious agents,” entirely outside spacetime and quantum theory, and irreducible to anything inside spacetime. Agents and interactions are modeled by a Markovian dynamics outside spacetime. Interacting agents can combine and fuse, creating new agents and qualia. Spacetime is just a headset employed by some agents.

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Where Online-only event Zoom link:

WhenThursday, Feb 15, 10 a.m - 11am. Pacific Time

Meet the Speaker : Donald Hoffman is a cognitive psychologist and popular science author. He is a professor in the Department of Cognitive Sciences at the University of California, Irvine, with joint appointments in the Department of Philosophy, the Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science, and the School of Computer Science.

Meet the Moderator:  Kunal Mooley is an astrophysicist and the co-founder of the Institute of Mind, Intelligence and Consciousness Studies (IMICS). He has been hosting Consciousness & Reality colloquia since 2019 with the aim of accelerating research on problems centered around the nature of reality and the existence of life in the universe. 

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