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Academic Coaching Drop-In Info Session

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Image of Academic Coaching Drop-In Info Session

Monday, January 23, 2023
2pm to 3pm PT

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Old Union Clubhouse, 2nd Floor, A3C Couchroom
524 Lasuen Mall Stanford, CA 94305-3064
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Free Event

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Event Details:

Curious to learn about how to build effective study habits? Want more support navigating the “hidden curriculum” in your classes at Stanford? Academic Coaches are here to help! Join Jessie Schwab and Rachel Stumpf, Academic Coaches from the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), for a drop-in information session. We’ll discuss what Academic Coaching is, as well as the various academic skills resources available through the CTL. We’ll also provide some time management tips and tools to help you set yourself up for academic success this quarter. Finally, we’ll ask for your feedback about what conversation topics and resources you would find most helpful at future Academic Coaching drop-in hours at A3C.
