This event is over.
Restricted to: Stanford Affiliates
Event Details:
Overview of the ArcGIS Online platform, Esri Interactive Web Mapping app. Learn how to use ArcGIS Online to upload, analyze and share geospatial data and create interactive web maps.
- Adding yourself to the Stanford enterprise AGO organization
- Exploring the ArcGIS Online interface (Contents and Groups)
- Uploading, organizing, and sharing spatial data
- Creating and using Groups
- Intro to Map Viewer (adding data and basic setting styles)
If you plan to follow along with the hands-on portion of the workshop, please be sure to bring your own laptop. There are no computers provided in the DRMC.
Directions to the David Rumsey Map Center and a URL to the event landing page will be emailed to attendees separately.
Note: workshop is open to current Stanford affiliates only. You must have a valid Stanford SUnetID.