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CEE 269A Environmental Engineering Seminar - Pieter Smit, "Real-time Ocean Wave Forecasts at Sofar"

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Event Details:

Abstract: Sofar Ocean is an ocean-tech startup founded by ocean scientists that leverages real-time open ocean observations to improve open ocean weather forecasts and provide route-guidance to captains.  In this talk I want to focus on Sofar's global grid of open ocean wave sensors (500+ and growing), how these observations allow us to improve wave forecasts through data assimilation, and why this matters to improve real-time routing of large ocean going vessels.


Bio: Dr. Pieter Smit is Sofar Ocean's Head of Ocean Science, where he oversees Sofar's development of marine weather observation and forecasting capabilities.  Dr. Smit joined Sofar in 2016, where he led the initial development of Sofar's operational wave forecasting system and Wayfinder voyage optimization engine.  Dr. Smit holds a PhD (Cum Laude, highest award honor) and MS in environmental fluid mechanics and a BS in civil engineering from Delft University of Technology.  Over the last 10 years, Dr. Smit has published over 30 peer-reviewed scientific articles on wave physics, prediction, observation, and approximation.
