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The Stanford Building Decarbonization Learning Accelerator (BDLA) hosts workshops for professors who are interested in incorporating the BDLA teaching materials into their existing curriculum or developing a new building decarbonization course.

Global warming, air pollution, and energy insecurity are three of the most significant problems facing the world today. This talk discusses the development of technical and economic roadmaps to solve these problems across 149 countries and all 50 states, including California. The solution is to electrify buildings, transportation, and industry and provide the electricity with 100% clean, renewable wind, water, and solar (WWS) sources and storage. This talk also discusses technologies already available to electrify buildings fully. It further discusses the electricity and heat generation technologies and the electricity, heat, cold, and hydrogen storage technologies needed for a transition, including firebricks to store industrial process heat. It then evaluates methods of keeping the electric grid stable. Results indicate that the grid can remain stable at low cost in each of 29 world regions encompassing 149 countries examined. Aside from mitigating global warming, these roadmaps have the potential to eliminate over seven million air pollution deaths annually, reduce international conflict over energy, stabilize energy prices, reduce catastrophic risk, and create jobs. Finally, the talk discusses why policies that encourage carbon capture and direct air capture are opportunity costs that increase carbon dioxide, air pollution, fossil mining, and fossil infrastructure and should be abandoned. Click here for more information.

Click here to see a list of all upcoming BDLA webinars and view videos of previous webinars.

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