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Event Details:
Do you or anyone in your school or unit work with minors? Stanford's policy for Protection of Minors requires that anyone working directly with, supervising, chaperoning, or otherwise overseeing minors (individuals under 18 years of age) in Stanford-sponsored programs or activities must complete a Live Scan background check.
A Live Scan unit will be on campus to provide fingerprinting services at no cost to the employee or the department. Please note, this Live Scan fingerprinting session can only process Live Scan application forms where results are submitted to Stanford. If you have completed Live Scan for Stanford in the past, you may not need to submit your fingerprints again. Reach out to your youth program contact to confirm whether your results are on file.
All Program Staff will need to submit their completed Live Scan application forms to University Human Resources. Program Staff will not meet the university’s Live Scan requirement unless they have completed this step. Once Program Staff complete the fingerprint submission, they must submit their forms through this link. Please note if Program Staff complete Live Scan at a free on-campus session hosted by Stanford, a copy of their application form will be submitted to University Human Resources directly by the vendor.
Please complete these steps before going to a Live Scan event:
Please bring a completed Live Scan application form. Identify the specific program/activity for which you are completing Live Scan in the field "Type of License/Certification/Permit OR Working Title." Note that this field is limited to 30 characters. Bring a government-issued ID, such as a Driver's License or passport (with U.S. visa).
If you have any questions, please see the Protection of Minors website or download the FAQ. You can also contact University Human Resources—Employee & Labor Relations at 650-721-4272 or