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EPS Seminar: Dr. Madison Myers - Storage and eruption dynamics of Yellowstone's super-eruptions

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Event Details:

Yellowstone volcano has produced two super-eruptions within its 2.2-million-year lifetime. Although these are often envisioned as being singular, catastrophic events, fieldwork suggests that both eruptions had time gaps that spanned from weeks to decades. Here I present new and old data that highlights the nuances of these large-volume events, presenting open questions, limitations, and each system's unique subtleties.

Dr. Madison Myers is an Assistant Professor in Earth Sciences at Montana State University. Her research focuses on investigating how magma accumulates at depth, what triggers it to erupt, and the timescale(s) of the eruption dynamics. Currently, her group is exploring questions surrounding magma ascent, reconstructing the dynamics of Yellowstone's youngest super-eruption, and breaking down the movement of Li in rhyolitic systems. 


For the zoom information; please contact Rey Garduño (

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