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eWEAR/Golden Seeds International Women's Day Event

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Event Details:


Invited Speaker, “From foldable displays to skin-inspired electronics: Innovation and entrepreneurship”: 
Professor Zhenan Bao, Chemical Engineering, Stanford University

VC Insight: 
Connie Chan, Board Partner, Andreessen Horowitz
Michele Colucci, JD, Founder and Managing Partner, DigitalDx Ventures

Entrepreneur Panel:
Xina Quan, Ph.D., Co-Founder and CEO, PyrAmes Inc.
Madhu Stemmermann, Co-Founder and CEO, SunRay Scientific Inc.

Networking Reception to follow in the courtyard



Zhenan Bao, K.K. Lee Professor in Chemical Engineering, Stanford University
Bio:  Zhenan Bao  is K.K. Lee Professor of Chemical Engineering, and by courtesy, a Professor of Chemistry and a Professor of Material Science and Engineering at Stanford University. She founded the Stanford Wearable Electronics Initiate (eWEAR) in 2016 and serves as the faculty director. Prior to joining Stanford in 2004, she was a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff in Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies from 1995-2004. She received her Ph.D in Chemistry from the University of Chicago in 1995. She has more than 700 refereed publications and over 80 US patents with a Google Scholar H-Index 206. 


Connie Chan, Board Partner, Andreessen Horowitz
Bio: Connie Chan is a Board Partner at Andreessen Horowitz where she focuses on investing in consumer technology. Connie joined the firm in 2011 as a deal partner on the investment team before becoming a general partner in 2018. She serves on the boards of Cider, Whatnot, and KoBold. Before joining Andreessen Horowitz, Connie worked at HP leading its webOS efforts in China. She started her career as a private equity investor at Elevation Partners, investing in media and entertainment. Connie is well-known across Silicon Valley for her deep knowledge of the Chinese consumer technology landscape and is often tapped as an expert to translate how trends may move from Asia to the West. Connie won a Sidney award for her writing on WeChat and is a Young Global Leader at the World Economic Forum. She received her B.A. in Economics and M.S. in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University.


Xina Quan, Ph.D., Co-Founder and CEO, PyrAmes
Bio: Xina is the Co-founder & CEO of PyrAmes, a start-up based on Stanford Prof. Zhenan Bao's research on electronic skin.  Over the past 40 years, she has led interdisciplinary teams that have transformed advanced materials research into innovative commercial products for photonics, telecommunications, optoelectronics, and consumer electronics applications, first at AT&T Bell Labs and then at several startups in Silicon Valley.  Xina has SB and SM degrees from MIT and a Ph.D. from Princeton, all in Chemical Engineering. She is a registered patent agent with the US Patent Office and has more than 30 issued patents.


Madhu Stemmermann, Co-Founder and CEO, SunRay Scientific Inc.
Bio: Madhu has 25 years of experience in executive leadership roles across manufacturing, supply chain, sales, and product management spanning various industries such as electronics packaging, conductive adhesives, medical devices, LED lighting, and engineered plastics. She was the youngest and first female Plant Manager appointed at Philips Lighting. She has led and executed various company transformations and acquisitions. Madhu received her degree in Chemical Engineering from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
