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Event Details:
Monday, April 15, 2024
11:00AM - 1:00PM PT | Philippines Conference Room, Encina Hall 3rd Floor
*Lunch will be served at this in-person event
With the rapid advances in the last couple of years, generative AI has attracted a great deal of attention in advanced economies. The U.S. seems to be betting on its positive potentials while Europe is generally more apprehensive about its harmful aspects. Japan has arguably been one of the most forward-leaning countries when it comes to harnessing the potential of AI, in the hopes of reclaiming its leadership in high-tech industries lost during the last few decades as it fell behind on digital transformation. How is Japan catching up on information technologies in general, and what are Japan’s plans for leveraging generative AI for economic resurgence while ensuring its peaceful and equitable development? This panel session addresses these questions with leading experts of AI and digital transformation in Japan and the U.S.
Kenji Hiramoto, Director General of Digital Infrastructure Center, IT Promotion Agency of Japan, Executive Office, Digital Agency of Japan
Akiko Murakami, Executive Director of the Japan AI Safety Insitute, Executive Officer and Chief Data Officer, Sompo Japan Insurance Inc.
Dr. Tricia Wang, Sociologist, Tech Advisor
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