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Mindfulness Skills for Parents - Fall 2022

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Event Details:

For parents of children/adolescents/adults with behavior challenges and/or learning differences

This education program offers instruction in mindfulness practices including meditation and its application for reducing stress and cultivating self-compassion and quality of life for parents. The program includes didactic presentations, guided meditations and dialogue around how mindfulness can address parenting. In between classes, participants are instructed to cultivate a daily meditation practice as well as applying mindfulness to parenting and other daily activities. Topics we will be exploring include: What is mindfulness? How can it help me as a parent? How can we better manage our own difficult emotions as parents? How can we move from coping to living more meaningful lives?




TUESDAY MORNINGS:  Taught by Mari Kurahashi, MD

Tuesday Mornings, 9 –10:30AM PST September 20th - November 8th, 2022


THURSDAY EVENINGS:  Taught by Linda Lotspeich, MD, MEd

Thursday Evenings, 7:30 – 9:00PM PST    September 22nd - November 10th 2022



Tuition: $330 per participant

Scholarships available for those unable to pay the full cost in these challenging times

Registration links can be found by clicking on the website link

Stream Information:

Dial-In Information

Zoom links will be sent out prior to the start of class.