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Oceans Department Winter Seminar Series - Luke Gardner

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Event Details:

What is the Role of Aquaculture in California?

Aquaculture is the fastest growing food producing sector in the world, yet the U.S. is lagging behind in it's contribution despite being the second largest consumer of seafood globally. California being the most populous state in the nation contributes significantly to this demand, yet aquaculture has actually retracted in the state over the last decades. Driving forces behind aquaculture development and decline are myriad including threats and opportunities from climate change. The role of aquaculture is only increasing in global importance but it's future is uncertain in the U.S and California particularly. My research and extension activities include aspects of biology and policy with an aim to use science to better understand opportunities and challenges to the sector. I focus on ways to reduce social and environmental impacts of commercial aquaculture but also how aquaculture can aid in restoration and resilience of ecosystems and human communities. This research aims to help California decide on a pathway for aquaculture development in the state."

