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Pathways to Fossil Free Flight

Image of Pathways to Fossil Free Flight

Tuesday, May 28, 2024
6pm to 7:20pm PT

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Explore Energy House, Junipero Lounge, Wilbur Hall (658 Escondido Road)
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This week's Explore Energy Seminar: Flying Fossil Free

Electric road vehicles (EVs) and electric planes (EPs) are both coevolving rapidly, cross-pollinating designs, technologies, innovators, and supply chains.

Surprisingly, EPs — with greater challenges but higher ambition and value — seem to be moving faster.

In the past few years, remarkable advances in super efficient, battery-electric, and fuel cell aircraft have sped competitive range and capacity emergence by a decade if not two. EPs are emulating EVs’ swift journey from bad joke to market winner. Fasten your seat belts: the conventional wisdom that emission-free aviation is impractical is well past its sell-by date.

Join the Explore Energy Seminar for a briefing from Amory Lovins, an American writer, energy efficiency guru, physicist, and former Chairman/Chief Scientist of RMI (formerly the Rocky Mountain Institute). He has written on energy policy and related areas for five decades.

This event is co-sponsored by Explore Energy House, Stanford Flight Club, and the Stanford Energy Club.

Explore Energy Seminar is hosted by the Explore Energy House, the residence hall for energy at Stanford. Each week features speakers bringing the current energy issues and opportunities to light, and consistent with the principles of Residential Education at Stanford, equity & inclusion are foundational themes. Anyone from the campus community is welcome.

You're invited: join the Dinner Salon in the RF's residence with Amory after the seminar.

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