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Patty Chang: On Mothers, Melons, Lakes, and Whales

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Event Details:

Please join us for an evening of screenings and conversation with 2024–2025 Denning Visiting Artist Patty Chang. Recognized for her endurance-based performances of the 1990s, Chang’s works sharply foreground the femme body as a site in which to process the conditions of personhood. This program will feature screenings of Chang’s works, ranging from 1998–2022, showing the trajectory of the artist's current interests in the ocean and motherhood. Chang’s videos and installations pair rituals of care with collective anxieties and fears on the climate crisis, bringing environmental concerns to a hyper-personal level, in which global experiences can be viscerally and deeply felt.

This event is co-sponsored by the Department of Art & Art History, the Oceans Department, and the Cantor Arts Center. Patty Chang’s residency is hosted by the Department of Art & Art History and the Oceans Department with funding from the Stanford Visiting Artist Fund in Honor of Roberta Bowman Denning.
All public programs at the Cantor Arts Center are always free! Space for this program is limited; advance registration is recommended. Those who have registered will have priority for seating. RSVP here.

Patty Chang is a Los Angeles based artist and educator who uses performance, video, installation and narrative forms when considering identity, gender, transnationalism, colonial legacies, the environment, large-scale infrastructural projects and impacted subjectivities. Her most recent collaborative project, Learning Endings, is a multi-part interdisciplinary research that has surfaced amidst the overlapping contexts of climate crisis, threatened ocean ecosystems, and challenges to scientific expertise. In addition to numerous awards and fellowships, her work has been exhibited at institutions such as the Museum of Modern Art, Guggenheim Museum, New Museum, M+ Museum in Hong Kong, and Moderna Museet in Stockholm, Sweden. She teaches at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, CA.



Free visitor parking is available along Lomita Drive as well as on the first floor of the Roth Way Garage Structure, located at the corner of Campus Drive West and Roth Way at 345 Campus Drive, Stanford, CA 94305. From the Palo Alto Caltrain station, the Cantor Arts Center is about a 20-minute walk or there the free Marguerite shuttle will bring you to campus via the Y or X lines.

Disability parking is located along Lomita Drive near the main entrance of the Cantor Arts Center. Additional disability parking is located on Museum Way and in Parking Structure 1 (Roth Way & Campus Drive). Please click here to view the disability parking and access points.

Accessibility Information or Requests

Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University is committed to ensuring our programs are accessible to everyone. To request access information and/or accommodations for this event, please complete this form at least one week prior to the event:

For questions, please contact or Kwang-Mi Ro,, (650) 723-3469.

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Image: Patty Chang, We Are All Mothers, 2022, single channel video, 20min. Image courtesy of the artist
