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Event Details:
Join us for the Explore Energy Seminar!
Explore Federal Incentives and infrastructure investments with Hunt Allcott, Professor of Global Environmental Policy at Stanford University. He is the co-director of the Stanford Environmental and Energy Policy Analysis Center, a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, an affiliate of ideas42 and Poverty Action Lab, and a member of the board of editors of the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. Prof Hunt will be joined by Researchers Hyuk-Soo Kwon, Jiawei Vang and Tess Synder.
Explore Energy Seminar is hosted in the Explore Energy House @Junipero in Wilbur. Each week features a different panel of speakers bring the most current energy issues and opportunities to light. Come meet these important contacts to build your energy network.
Pro tip: To make the best connections, join the Dinner Salon after the seminar. RSVP to EXPLOREENERGYHOUSE@STANFORD.EDU