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Professor Darby English Pedagogy Workshop: June Jordan, "These Poems"; Kara Walker, "BLM"; and, Bell Hooks, "Art on My Mind"

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Event Details:

Please join us for a Pedagogy workshop hosted by the Department of African and African American Studies (DAAAS). Professor Darby English will facilitate a workshop entitled, June Jordan, "These Poems"; Kara Walker, "BLM"; and, Bell Hooks, "Art on My Mind"


Professor Darby English is a Professor of Art and Art History at the University of Chicago. He is associate faculty in both the University’s Department of Visual Arts and its Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture. From 2014 to 2020, English was Adjunct Curator in the Department of Painting and Sculpture at the Museum of Modern Art, New York. English’s projects at MoMA concerned collection and acquisitions research, culminating in Among Others: Blackness at MoMA, conceived and co-edited with Charlotte Barat.

English’s teaching and advising address subjects in cultural studies as well as modern and contemporary American and European art produced since the First World War. His current research centers on Noah Purifoy (1917-2004), whose manifold commitment to “De-Mystify the Art Process” took shape during the August 1965 Watts Rebellion in Los Angeles. Find his detailed biography here.

This Pedagogy workshop will take place on Wednesday, February 14, from 10.00-11.00am in the CCSRE Conference Room, Building 360This will be followed by lunch with graduate students. Graduate students, please register here.

This workshop is part of the Black Studies in the Arts (Open Rank) Faculty Search. Each event in the series features a 20-minute mini-lesson followed by Questions and Answers.
