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Religion in Manga and Anime: A Poster Exhibition by IntroSems RELIGST 6N

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Event Details:

In the Introductory Seminar RELIGST 6N “Religion in Anime and Manga,” taught by Professor Michaela Mross, students explored religious themes and imagery in manga (Japanese comics) and anime (animated films or TV series). The exhibit on display in the East Asia Library features academic posters on manga and anime, such as My Neighbor TotoroKamisama KissDeathnoteJujutsu Kaisen, and The Tale of the Princess Kaguya, that the students created as their final projects. The posters aim to contribute to a deeper understanding of the cultural and religious background of these modern works, produced for mainly entertainment purposes.

The exhibition is located in the 3rd floor exhibit cases at the East Asia Library. An opening reception will be held on Wednesday, March 13, from 1:30 - 2:45 PM in the East Asia Library, room 224.

This exhibition is sponsored by Stanford Libraries, the East Asia Library, the Introductory Seminars Program, and the Department of Religious Studies
