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Scott Bolton, Planetary Science and Exploration Seminar, "The New Jupiter as Revealed by Juno"

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Abstract: Space exploration is a key aspect of the renaissance humanity is currently experiencing. NASA’s portfolio is dominated by competed missions which are created, developed and implemented under the guidance of a single scientist known as the Principal Investigator (PI). The Juno mission to Jupiter is a competed mission, within NASA’s New Frontiers Program, the largest of the competed mission classes. Launched on time and within budget, Juno’s story serves as a model for future opportunities; outlining the challenges to create a compelling scientific investigation, assemble institutional partnerships, and develop the multi-faceted perspective to manage spacecraft engineering, orbit mechanics, and scientific instrumentation while navigating interfaces involving NASA, congressional staff, and international partners. Arriving at Jupiter in 2016, Juno has transformed our view of Jupiter through major discoveries about its interior structure, origin, and evolution; atmospheric dynamics and composition; magnetic field and magnetosphere. Juno is currently approaching its 68th orbit (out of originally planned 34), now reaching scientifically beyond its originally proposed objectives to study the satellites and Jupiter’s enigmatic ring system. Results from Juno’s primary and extended missions will be presented. Finally, I will discuss future opportunities for utilizing new technologies to advance spacecraft engineering and scientific instrumentation in NASA and industry-led space missions, highlighting the role of universities.


Bio: Dr. Scott Bolton is an Associate Vice President of the Earth and Space Sciences (ESS) Division at Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) in San Antonio. Dr. Bolton is also the Principal Investigator of Juno, a NASA mission currently orbiting Jupiter. At SwRI, Dr. Bolton has been responsible for the development of new opportunities and formulating mission concepts and strategic partnerships. During his tenure, the NASA Missions Lucy, Punch, IMAP were formulated and selected, New Horizons and IBEX missions were launched, and MMS was implemented, and numerous instruments were selected for flight (including the first SLS launch). Dr. Bolton’s experience with NASA, ESA and JAXA missions includes planetary, heliophysics, Earth and lunar, as well as astrophysics. Dr. Bolton is currently leading numerous mission studies to various targets in our solar system (Saturn system, ice giants, asteroids and comets, Europa lander) and developing the next generation microwave radiometer for planetary studies. Prior to coming to SwRI, Dr. Bolton worked at JPL as a senior staff scientist and held a wide range of positions spanning mission design, engineering, scientific research, and program management. He has over 30 years of experience working on space missions related to NASA’s exploration of the Earth, the solar system, and the fields astrophysics and space physics.Dr. Bolton leads several educational programs related to Science, Technical, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM) which span elementary through university levels. As part of the Juno’s educational outreach program, Dr. Bolton has managed over $40M in educational programs involving both formal and informal education, including the creation of science and math curriculum to drive new national standards for elementary level education (an age bracket known to be underserved). Dr. Bolton has leveraged this investment by assembling several corporate partnerships including Honda, Canon, Lego, Time-Warner, Apple, Google, and Microsoft.


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