This event is over.
Event Details:
nano@stanford is excited to partner with Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp to bring you a Lunch and Learn and the mIRage. Samples will be measured at Stanford in Chem-H, Neurosciences Buildling, Vincent Woo Sandbox Room E152. Join us on October 15, 2024 to learn all about the technique and applications. Sign up for sample measurements October 15-17 or swing by during that time to see the instrument in action!
O-PTIR has applications in microplastics, polymers, semiconductors, tissues, and even live cells!
O-PTIR features:
- Direct Label-Free Chemical Analysis
- <500 nm spatial resolution across the entire spectral range
- Measurements in air or liquids
- Less phototoxicity than Raman
- Simultaneous Fluorescence & Raman/Photoluminescence
This event is free to registrants and lunch will be provided.