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Virtual Human Interaction Lab (VHIL) Tour

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Restricted to: Summer Session- Summer Quarter Students

Stanford Spaces

Event Details:

Since its founding in 2003, researchers at VHIL have sought to better understand the psychological and behavioral effects of Virtual Reality (VR) and, more recently, Augmented Reality (AR). Almost two decades later, we are in the Dawn of the Virtual Revolution. VR is finally widely available for consumers, and every day we are seeing new innovations. It is critical, now more than ever, that we seek answers to these important questions: What psychological processes operate when people use VR and AR? How does this medium fundamentally transform people and society? What happens when anyone can have a perfect experience at the touch of a button? Come to the tour of the VHIL to experience hands-on demos from past experiments to learn about how VR can be used to create applications that enhance, instead of detract, the real world around us.

If you need a disability-related accommodation or wheelchair access information, please contact the Diversity & Access Office at Requests should be made one week in advance of the event.
