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Social Event/Reception

WCC x NSO Week 2022 Event Calendar

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Light purple, mint green, and light orange background with white WCC Logo (fern). Events details listed in description

Sunday, September 25, 2022
3pm to 4:30pm PT

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Fire Truck House
433 Santa Teresa Street, Stanford, CA 94305
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Restricted to: These event are open to Stanford Frosh, Transfers, and fellow students.

Event Details:

Welcome Class of 2026 and Transfers!! The Stanford Women’s Community Center is so excited to welcome all new Frosh and Transfers during our upcoming events for New Student Orientation (NSO) 2022 Week! 

Mark you calendars for the WCC’s upcoming events for NSO: ✨🎉

⚪️ WCC Open House: Wednesday, September 21st (1:30-3pm) inside and behind the Fire Truck house

      Join us at the Women’s Community Center (WCC) for our open house where you can meet and connect with WCC staff and other Frosh and Transfers, take a quick walk through our newly renovated space, grab some snacks, stickers, and swag, and learn more about the opportunities and resources available to you at the WCC!

⚪️ We are STEM Faculty Panel: Friday, September 23rd (3:00-4:15pm) at Tressider Oak Lounge

        Join us as we meet and listen to a panel of faculty in science, math, and engineering departments at Stanford discuss their journeys into academia, how they discovered a passion for STEM, and how they navigated male-dominated fields. 

⚪️ Queer Gender Marginalized Boardgame Hangout: Saturday, September 24th (1:00-2:30pm) behind the Fire Truck house

    Stop by the fire truck house and join us for an afternoon of board games, snacks, music, and fun🎉where you’ll have the chance to hang out and connect with other Queer/Questioning Gender Marginalized (QGM) students on campus and learn more about the unique spaces, resources, and support available to you in the Fire Truck House!

⚪️ NSO Crafternoon: Sunday, September 25th (3:00-4:30pm) inside and behind the Fire Truck house

   Join us for a chill and fun afternoon of collective healing and community building through gender equity-themed arts and crafts! Come and get to know your fellow new classmates while we relax, listen to music, enjoy snacks, and express our creativity through some snazzy journal decorating (all supplies will be provided) and collective journaling and reflection! 

⚪️ WVSO Resource Fair: Friday, October 7th (Time: TBD) behind the Fire Truck House (Stay tuned for more info) 

   Come on out to our fall WVSO Resource Fair, where you can meet and hear from the leaders and members of various WVSO (Women’s Voluntary Student Organization) organizations about ways to get involved with other gender equity minded folks from across campus! You will have a chance to ask questions and  hear more about the opportunities that these groups provide for community building, career advancement, activism, mentorship, and leadership at both Stanford and beyond.

 Event Locations: 

Most of our events will be held inside (limited capacity) and behind the FireTruck House, 433 Santa Teresa St., 1st Floor. EXCEPTION: The WE ARE STEM Panel will take place in Tressider Oak Lounge.

*PLEASE NOTE: Indoor space and attendance capacity for our events will be limited and masks must be worn indoors at all times, due to building constraints and safety concerns around COVID-19* 

We are so excited to meet you all during NSO! ❤️
